Saturday, August 31, 2019

Body language Essay

I wasn’t too sure on what to wear when I performed my interaction. From previous research into communication I am aware that this can affect the quality of communication. For example dark and gloomy clothes sometimes can indicate you being in bad mood and could prevent clients approaching you. However if you were to wear bright and colourful clothes then it would give the impression that you are happy and friendly and easier to approach. I decided to go for clothes in the middle of bright and dark, however I am still unsure whether this had an effect on the communication shown. At the end of my interaction I gave a member of the group my questionnaire to fill in about the interaction (appendix 1). I wanted to make sure that I gained some feedback from interaction to see whether I was effective in achieving my purpose. I structured that questionnaire very simply, and clear so the child would have no problem in being able to fill it in. the child who I asked to complete my questionnaire filled it all in, and they ticked YES for every box. This would indicate to me that my interaction was a success on the basis of that it was fun, exciting, and there was nothing too bad that affected them in the interaction. This would show that I was successful in achieving my purpose, which to me is a great accomplishment. I got some feedback from this pupil on the questionnaire which was very interesting and useful, however I wanted to make sure that I had an assessment sheet filled in about me to look more specifically at my skills that I demonstrated, what was good about them, what was bad and also to see if I achieved my purpose. Therefore I gave Mrs Paterson, an observation sheet about me to fill in (appendix 2) you can see from the sheet that Mrs Paterson rated me highly on most of the skills. However there were a few points which she had to make. PERSONAL IMPROVEMENTS AND ACTION PLAN One of my main problems that occurred during this interaction was that I found it very hard to observe the type of communication, group layout which was going on as well as performing my own personal communication skills within the group. I think that if I was going to do the interaction again I would probably video record it therefore I could go back and see what I did wrong but also what type of communication skills and patterns occurred. This would be a very effective way in which I could evaluate myself critically in order to create a more efficient action plan. I expressed before about how I felt very nervous and intimidated by the interaction. I think that this could be improved by practice, and just making sure that I remain as calm as I possibly can. Being aware of my body language too is essential too. I also feel that to improve the quality of the interaction I would need to find out ways in which I could include other group members, which were lacking in joining in. I am not entirely sure on a method which I could choose to help me learn this other than teacher training, and obviously this is not possible. However what would be possible is to talk to some teachers, to find out information about how to make clients feel valued and belonged within the group more than what I know already. I gave the observation sheet to Mrs Paterson to write about my interaction. Mrs Paterson did rate me slightly lower on a couple of issues. These were really useful to me in aiding me to create a realistic action plan. For example she quoted: Tone of voice – at times she found it difficult to calm her voice down, due to nervousness. Â  Appropriate responsiveness and calmness – again Leanne found it hard at times to remain calm, however it did improve towards the end. I completely agree with the comments that Mrs Paterson made about my poor communication. I knew that I was finding it hard to calm down and make my voice and body language relaxed during the interaction. I did feel that I made an improvement towards the end whilst I got into the activity more. This is definitely something I need to work on and improve for further interactions such as this. I am going to make a conscious effort to improve on the poor things about my interaction, because it is vital that I can be effective whilst communicating. Im going to make sure that when I’m in an interaction such as this I am going to try and calm myself down before I enter the group interaction. There were so many things that I have become aware or further whilst doing this interaction. And again I feel that it is essential for me to be trained, or get more experience in interacting within a group. For me to improve my interaction I would need to study my assessment sheet to look at where I went wrong, and how I could improve it to make sure that a next interaction is I’m proved and that I have learnt from my poor communication. CONCLUSION This experience has been a very large learning experience for me. Before this I had learnt about all the different types of effective communication, however I never actually knew how incredibly difficult it is to put them into practice. There is so much for and health and care social worker to remember when interacting with their clients. I think that it takes a very talented person to be good at their job within this area. I enjoyed my interaction with the group so much, and I have already decided to go back in the future, to try my group interaction to perhaps try out my action plan. What made this experienced even more enjoyable is the fact that the children relished the activity as much as what I did. When I went to go after my interaction I was actually disappointed on how quickly the time had gone. The children who I was working with seemed to have formed a bond with me and were also upset to see me go too. I think that I was very successful in achieving my purpose of the interaction, and this was reflected through not only the effective communication skills I demonstrated but also that of the amount of enjoyment we all experienced. This has certainly given me a lot to contemplate on, I have learn a lot about myself, as well as how imperative effective communication is in this type of setting. Another thing, which I think has been a vital learning point, is the fact that health and social care workers give so much to their clients. Teachers need to make sure that they are demonstrating communication skills the whole time, but also to leave their own personal or emotional problems at home, because it can effective the relationships between them and the clients. This must be extremely hard to do. I would imagine that this job is very satisfying.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Harvard Guide to Happiness, Freakonomics, Can’t a Woman Be Einstein Essay

The methods suggested from a research conducted over 10 years on 1,600 Harvard students are relevant today more than ever. The global trend of shift in workforce from manufacturing to white collar work necessitates workers obtain higher degrees of education. Individuals with higher education degree are more equipped with the capacity to better manage given tasks of the service sector employing analytical thinking. Workforce comprised of such highly educated individuals enhances competitiveness in the increasingly complex global economy. Thus the value of individual academic pursuit is critical in sustaining economic development of a nation. Assuming that students furthering their studies decide based on freewill, keeping students motivated is the key to encouraging them to pursue higher education. Basing on the results from the study, increasing interaction among the various elements within the school system such as faculty and peer-students propel students to achieve higher grades, become more intellectually engaged and increase their overall happiness. An NBER study of a group of Kenyan girls in 69 primary schools comparing those who were randomly selected to receive scholarships to those who did not receive any surprisingly concluded that greater education does not in fact lead to greater democracy. However I believe the relationship between education and democracy can either be strengthened or weakened based on the content of the education received by the citizens and how it is famed in the classroom setting. Education systems that emphasize and value freedom of expression through heated discussion among peers inevitably provide an opportunity for the students to experience democratic way of handling things. The way information was given to the young girls in Kenya and its substance may have been the reason in the failure of increased education to result in greater democracy. The essay that demonstrated that biological difference exists between male and female but does not suggest a difference in aptitude pose an important issue in the field of education. I agree that the results hint a change in the education system but I hesitate to agree with Leonard Sax in his belief that â€Å"coed schools do more harm than good†. The fact that current coed schools might not provide an environment for boys and girls to learn at the pace of their maturing brains does not necessitate those students to be educated in single-sex schools. The problem, if there is any, would lie in the lack of division of classes based on the level of each subject. Division of class in coed schools based on proficiency, for instance beginners, intermediate and advanced seems an appropriate response that effectively deals with the problem embraces outliers at the same time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Religious belief and organizations Essay

Gender issues are a great importance in contemporary society and culture. Although they concern both men and women at present, gender studies are still mainly focused on women because women have been voiceless for so long. Feminism see religion as a product of patriarchy as it only serves the interest of men. Jean holm argues that all religion preaches equality but they do not practice it. This argument derived from her study of cotemporary religions which showed that women are subordinated to the role of men as they do not have a part to play in many religions. For example, in Japanese religions, the women arrange and organize public rituals, but only the men can take part in it. Thus showing devalued and important women are within religious organizations. A Marxist feminist DeBeauvoir believes that there must be a religion for women because if women have their own religion, they cannot be oppressed. So therefore, they have created a feminine bible, where everything is equal between both sexes. Sociologists such as Stark believe that women are physically deprived as they suffer more life crisis than men; so therefore, women are more likely to turn to God as someone that can help them. DeBeauvoir reinforces this statement by saying that religion gives a divine guardian that they long for and gives them hope for a better future in a sexless heaven. Meaning that religion gives women false consciousnesses by making them believe that women would be rewarded in heaven for their sufferings on earth and a heaven where there’s equality. However, Saadawi disagrees with the statement that religious teachings are the cause of the oppression and exploitation that women suffer, but blames the patriarchal system. She states that men have literally distorted religion especially in Islam, to socially control women and to serve their own interest, so religion isn’t the cause but the interpretation of it by men. Leila Badawi also sees Islam as positive as women have a choice over the three types of Islam and they get to keep their own names. Therefore Islam is not as strict and controlling as members of society put it out to be. Helen Watson justifies this by stating that wearing the veil is a political choice and wearing a veil can be seen as a positive thing to some women. This is because after interviewing some muslin women, Badawi came to a conclusion that muslin women are trying to take a stand against western culture. This is revealed when the women said that wearing the veil makes her proud of her religion and that it felt â€Å"liberating to have freedom of movement† as they can communicate with members of society without being on show. Sociologist Said, says that the west the west have created an orientalist discourse, justifying domination. So therefore, not all religions oppress and exploit women because some women do have a choice on certain things. An example would be Judaism as some women are now allowed to become rabbis and seikheism is now into equality and argues that women have choices.

Phantom of the Paradise as a Postmodern Horror Essay

Phantom of the Paradise as a Postmodern Horror - Essay Example The paper will lucidly look into some of the postmodernism aspect of films using the movie as the only reference. It will explain how the movie approaches traditional ideas in non-traditional ways. Some of the common features of postmodernism that have been portrayed in this movie are pastiche, metafiction, paranoia, maximalism, temporal distortion, and techno-culture and hyper-reality. To begin with, the character attire or dressing in the movie is quite different from what was there earlier on. The main character of the film has put on a metallic gown. Others, especially the women, in most of these movies we watch have their own dresses. Most of the dresses worn by women characters are those that that have a close relationship to that of the current American dressing. This is a clear implication that the existing American dressing codes came about as a result of such places. Moreover, the characters themselves. The metallic robe symbolically worn by Roderick Heath represents obedie nce to the law, as well as, protection of oneself. The different dressing models have led to the upcoming of different styles of making dressings in order to meet everybody’s expectations and desires. The current dressing system probably has its origin from the movie. The dressing is also symbolic on the counterculture nature of postmodern horror movies. The other aspect of the movie that brings to the light of the readers is about heroism in most horror movies. It is mainly found among men; however, hero is a woman. Heroes, in horror movies normally act as the main characters of the movies displaying their strengths of defeating a supernatural or extremely energetic character (antagonist). Using various expressive cinema techniques, the director has managed to show certain repeating devices such as scenes and most of the time the entire movie. The cinema techniques originated or evolved due to the issue of postmodernism. Postmodernism brought with itself certain learning, as well as, artistic techniques that affected the entire world of artists, especially on the horror movies (Foster 41). Another technique related to the above is the use of temporal distortion. The movie’s plot is not well organized with certain events overlapping. For instance, the appearance of Roderick Heath at the washroom where one of the music performers is taking a shower is a symbol intentional improper arrangement of the plot. Pastiche is another aspect found in films that have been affected by postmodernism. It refers to the imitation of certain or several works by other people or other genres of literature. Most of the events or characters in the movie have been imitated from other works of arts. The idea of Winslow becoming a terrorist and a killer of Swans is an imitation of certain works of history that have been saved in different historical materials. For instance, being a killer of another person has another meaning altogether and can be compared to past war ex periences such as world war II. Moreover, the image or the way the killing takes place is too simple and unbelievable to some extent. He stabbed him to death using a break of a bird mask from one of the dancers. This is a clear indication of the effects that technology has (Grant 76). Therefore, postmodernism is regarded as the epitome of all the recordings that are done seven today by highly respected printing and publishing houses. Postmodernism is the source of high technology that affects the reproduction of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

SAB 310 UNIT 1 DICUSS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SAB 310 UNIT 1 DICUSS - Essay Example On the other hand, in October 1987 one of the most vocal religious speakers Jerry Falwell praised an athlete Kevin Edwards; a praise that led the congregation cheer (Rader, 2008). Today, Americans participate in the Super Sunday termed as the country’s biggest religious holiday. Such a revolution has brought about pros and cons of hosting sporting events on Sunday. Most games played on the Lord’s Day reflect devotion to sports and faith through deeply spiritual themes. Through hosting sporting events on Sunday like the Super Bowl, the non-observant persons cram in for spectacle. Event elements such as event fighter jet flyovers, national anthem, and awards integrate a liturgy that brings participants together. The event ends into a festal offering. Sunday sporting events offer convergence for sports, and politics, reuniting all aspects of social life. As a result, more revenue is raised from Sunday hosted sports. The Super Bowl has continued to get bigger and bigger each year banqueted with elaborate and well-articulated food traditions as well as broadcast reaching most people. Religious aspect of football is substituting the deteriorating religious practices and social engagements. It is noted that for two decades, the number of people attending religious services on Sunday has been declining while those attending Sunday sports increase. A steep and steady decline in civic engagement continues to increase. American sports history indicate a fervent revolution turning sports into a religion. The spirit driving the importance of sports in the contemporary American culture depicts sports as a religion. Marin Marty’s definition of an atheist as one who does not care about the outcome of a football match. This implies that Sunday sports will continue to be beneficial in the sport

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Film theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Film theory - Essay Example According to the research findings one of seminal theorist Andre Bazin’s arguments was that the film strategies of montage versus mise-en-scene were more than mere formal strategies, but choices that were connected to the viewer’s agency to interpret the images presented. In understanding Bazin’s argument one must understand his perspective on the meaning of art. In these regards, Bazin notes that with the advent of advanced representational painting societies no longer felt the need to preserve aspects of their existence in a way similar to the Egyptian tombs. This insight leads him to consider that art functions primarily as a representation of reality. He even notes that, â€Å"the cinema is objectivity in time†. This means that the cinema itself not an artificial form, but the objective capture of reality in real-time. For Bazin, film is further divided between montage and more static mise-en-scene tendencies. Bazin recognizes that with the development of film, increasing formal language elements have emerged in the form of montage. One filmmaker that Bazin celebrates is Sondheim. Bazin states that Sondheim, â€Å"rejects photographic expressionism and the tricks of montage† and that, â€Å"In his films reality lays itself bare†. Essentially Bazin recognizes that while montage constitutes a more formal film language, such an evolution is ill-suited to the true meaning of film. For Bazin, deep-focus then becomes the highest form of filmic explication as it eschews formalist interference for what he believes is the unencumbered expression of reality. While exploring many of the same foundational elements regarding the objective of filmmaking as Bazin, Kracauer discussed realistic versus formative filmic tendencies and theorized their most effective uses. Kracauer traces the roots of the realist and formalist divide in the very earliest silent film productions. He argues that the Lumiere films, with their direct depict ions of daily life, represent the realistic tendency in film. While Kracauer doesn’t openly deride the Lumiere films, he attributes their eminence not to artistic legitimacy, but instead to the newness of the medium. Conversely, for Kracauer Melies represents the formative tendency of the film medium. While Bazin and Kracauer agree regarding the division between realist and formalist tendencies, they disagree as to their aesthetic merit. While Bazin idealizes realism, Kracauer embraces formalism as the next step in the evolution of film. Kracauer notes, â€Å"Imagine a film which†¦records interesting aspects of physical reality but does so in a technically imperfect manner†¦such a film is more specifically a film than one which utilizes brilliantly all the cinematic devices†¦to produce a statement disregarding camera reality† (Kracauer, p. 145). In these regards, Kracauer agrees with Bazin that film should remain true to camera reality, but indicates tha t the formal elements of film editing can contribute to this reality when unnoticed. This is contrasted with Bazin who foregrounded deep focus as the highest form of film technique. A notable insight regarding Kracauer is that he is not simply in favor of technical wizardry, but believes film technique must conform to camera reality.

Monday, August 26, 2019

What is philosophy, and how does in differ form myth and religion Essay

What is philosophy, and how does in differ form myth and religion - Essay Example Quite interestingly, there are no writings of authored by Socrates that propagated during his lifetime. What’s more, his life has been the subject of a bitter ending but needless to say that his tragic ending ended in vain. Though he had not been popular or rich in his endeavors, he was gifted with students who carried with them the teachings of their ostracized and misunderstood teacher. Charged with corrupting the mind of the youth, Socrates came to suffer a painful death. Yet it is his fervent passion in teaching that has transcended the centuries up to this day where the ‘Socratic method is being widely used as the preferred system of teaching among progressive schools. The asking of the ‘why’ in all that we do is the penultimate requisite in all the things we do as he had emphasized. This proves the idea that it is more often in the questions that we ask that we are searching than the answers we provided or are provided that lies where the truth is. And in the process, we figure out who we truly are and why we do the things that we do. According to the Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, Socrates while living in Athens, saw how the children were educated. Sophists, who were paid for their vocation, taught their students on ways to be successful in life (pp. 375-379). How they are to be rich later on in their lives. But they never questioned the right way. Socrates was more intent on showing the right way. He contended that there are general principles that should justify the behavior of man. These principles should be taught and that they must be the main focus of their life’s education in the process. Though without any paper with his name affixed on it, the influence of Socrates can be traced on the writings of Plato. Through him, the teachings of Socrates were passed down through the generations. It is in the ‘’Dialogues’ of Plato that we came to be

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Should Veil be Banned in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Should Veil be Banned in the UK - Essay Example Considering Sura 7:46, a veil acts as a separation between the resident of Heaven and the resident of Hell. In Sura 19: 16-17, a veil is remarked as the symbol of sovereignty and purity. Other explanations in the Quran also describe veil as a separation of evil with the good (Amer, 2000). On this note of an affirmative definition of veiling one shall think that why veil should be banned in the UK or any other country contradicting preaches of Islam and the belief of Islamic women. It was in the year 2006, when Mr. Jack Straw, a leader of the House of Commons in the UK stated ‘Hijab’ to increase the differences between Islamic religion and other religious groups and remarked the practice as a â€Å"visible statement of separation†. This incident was led by the suspension of an assistant teacher wearing veil in her workplace (Sultan-ul-Qalam, 2006). Since then, the practice of wearing veil in the UK by Muslim women has become debatable in relation to the judgment be hind banning the veil in the economic region. The paper presented here will intend to discuss various aspects related to this issue with due regards to local and global values regarding ‘Hijab’ or ‘Full Face Veil’ along with cultural imperialism and national sovereignty of the UK. The role of media will also be analysed to obtain rational in relation to the debated topic of banning veil in the UK. Local Values vs. Global Values Abraham (2007), in his study adroitly states â€Å"Just as complex discourses have developed around the metaphor of ‘the closet’ and ‘coming out of the closet’, the metaphor of ‘the veil’ and the concept of ‘lifting the veil’ have developed their own political debates†. With due consideration to this explanation of veil, the local values can be recognised in this context. Veil which is also called ‘Naqab’ or ‘Hijab’ originates as an Arabic word that refers to as barrier. Moving further from the lexicon explanation, veil has a broader meaning in the local values of Islam. It largely indicates towards the philosophy of modesty in both men and women (Long, 2009: 93-94). However, in the current day context, the most common metaphor of Hijab is an Islamic woman wearing on veil to cover her head, her face and her body. Furthermore, according to the Islamic values, a veil also tends to provide sexual space to the women in the society indicating that women should keep themselves covered in front of any unknown male figure with whom they were unable to theoretically be engaged, i.e. men who do not relate with their family (Long, 2009: 93-94; Abraham, 2007). Even in the current practices, veil is considered by Muslim women to provide them with space in terms of sovereignty and modesty as well as in terms of sexuality (Gabriel & Hannan, 2011). On the contrary, from a generalised point of view the global values of Islam have often presente d the religion as ‘barbaric’ restricting many natural flows of human life. In many instances, the religious beliefs are also stated to reflect the society to be male dominated. For instance, Islam states that men can have more than one wife provided he is able to render equal love and affection to each (Long, 2009: 92). Similarly, from the global perspective wearing a veil is considered to be a religious belief that creates a social difference between the Muslim women and men of the same as well as other religions. Thus, it is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The relationship between China and Taiwan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The relationship between China and Taiwan - Essay Example The relationship has been frosty ever since. First, they disagree on the independence of Taiwan. Taiwan claims to be an independent state while China claims Taiwan is part of it. China has refused to grant Taiwan its independence and recognize its leaders. The people of mainland China insist that there is only a single China and that Taiwan is an indisputable part of it. They refer to the Hong Kong agreement of 1992 where both leaders had a consensus that recognized only one China. Taiwan, however, reject the existence of such an agreement. In 2011, the People’s Republic of China was admitted into the UN general assembly while Taiwan (Republic of China) was expelled. All that was because China refused to acknowledge its statehood. The tension between the two nations has created an ‘arms race’. China has deployed missiles along the Taiwan Strait. Both its amphibious and missile forces capabilities are modernized in preparation of any situation. Every time the Taiwanese inch closer towards independence, they get the backing of the US Neo conservatives. They see china as a potential military rival. Taiwan purchases its weapons from abroad, with the USA being the largest supplier. China has been objecting the sale of weapons by the USA to Taiwan (Council on Foreign Relations). However, despite their differences, the two nations have strong economic ties. Bilateral trade was $102 billion in 2007, up from just $8 billion in 1991 (Council on Foreign Relations). China has and still remains Taiwan’s biggest trading partner and approximately a third of all Taiwan’s export products were sold in China. Taiwanese investments in the mainland china are estimated to be $150 billion since 1998. Their excellent economic elation is boosted by an agreement between the two nations to allow insurers and banks to invest in both markets (Council on Foreign Relations). Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, has tried to ease tensions with

Friday, August 23, 2019

John dillinger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John dillinger - Research Paper Example His mother died when he was barely three and his father, an industrious grocer, brought him up in an environment of disciplinary extremes, at times harsh and repressive, but permissive and generous at other times. When Dillinger‘s father married another wife six years later, he became devoted to his step-mother who took care of him as if he were her own son. He went to Public school No. 38 but he became tired of school and quit before finishing grade eight and got a job in a veener mill (Kekionga Press, 6). Dillinger quickly lost interest with the job and he stayed out all night most of the times. Bothered that city temptations would corrupt his son, Dillinger‘s father, moved his family to a farm near Mooresville, Indiana, but this did not change him – he started running wild within no time. He later joined the navy, following trouble with the law (theft) and a break with his father. However, he soon got himself into problems and left his ship after docking in Bost on.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Online Shopping Buyer Behaviour in Fashion industry Dissertation

Online Shopping Buyer Behaviour in Fashion industry - Dissertation Example The paper "Online Shopping Buyer Behaviour in Fashion industry" will look into the differences between the traditional retail marketing and online shopping in the fashion industry. The main differences between the traditional and online shopping preferences for fashion products include display, expense, location, communication and technology. As far as display is concerned, the traditional fashion shopping offered the buyers an opportunity to touch and handle fashion products physically when they are interested in something. This had the benefit of the buyer ensuring that the product is of high quality and that it is durable. This was very beneficial to the fashion product buyers. On the other hand, online shopping for fashion products does not offer the purchaser a chance of getting into physical contact with the products. Instead, the buyer will have to be contented with the graphical displays, pictures and the text descriptions for the products. This has the effect of ensuring tha t prospective customers would rather buy from the traditional fashion retailers rather than the modern online fashion retailer. Expenses are also major determinants and number of factors exist that fashion product retailers need to put into mind. One of the factors is that while the traditional retailers must look for viable premises that will attract customers, the online retailers do not have to look for premises. Hence, the traditional retailers will have to incur many expenses for setting up the businesses.

Unbending Gender Essay Example for Free

Unbending Gender Essay Domesticity is a â€Å"gender system† that delineates organization of market work and family work and the â€Å"gender norms that justify, sustain, and reproduce that organization†. This is how Joan Williams defined domesticity in her book entitled Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do about It. Domesticity arose in the nineteenth century and it still remains entrenched in many forms in American Society today. This way of life separated market work and family work in both space and time. It sets up a system that market work is the realm of men while women are delegated to the sphere of â€Å"home making† and â€Å"parenting†. As a gender system, domesticity has two defining characteristics, Williams wrote. The first is that â€Å"organization of market work around the ideal of a worker who works full time and overtime and takes little or no time off for childbearing or child rearing†. The ideal workers in this system are those that can work full time, or in most cases with plenty of overtime. â€Å"Caregivers† or those assigned to the childbearing and rearing (women) cannot, therefore, perform as ideal workers given this structure. Thus the second defining characteristic of this system is â€Å"providing for caregiving by marginalizing caregivers, cutting them off from most of the social roles that offer responsibility and authority† (Williams, 1). This system of structuring market work and family work sustains the ideology of the defined roles of men and women. Men, who are supposedly aggressive and highly motivated, â€Å"naturally† belong to the market work. Women characterized as weak and soft belong to the home. Men provide for the needs of the family, taking very little time to participate in child rearing, leaving this mostly to women. This structure perpetuates the gender norms that define the role and performance of men as â€Å"breadwinner†, and women as â€Å"homemakers†. Before the nineteenth century market work and family work is the not isolated from each other. The rise of industries, businesses, and professionals, however, also created a new definition of the American middle class. It also brought forth new ideology about the home that arose from the new attitudes toward work and family. In article The Cult of Domesticity and True Womanhood the new middle class family is said to be different from the preindustrial family that may partly be the roots of this new ideology. These are: 1. A nineteenth-century middle-class family did not have to make what it needed in order to survive. Men could work in jobs that produced goods or services while their wives and children stayed at home. 2. When husbands went off to work, they helped create the view that men alone should support the family. Men belong in the public sphere or the world of work, and a woman’s place is the private sphere or home. 3. The middle-class family came to look at itself and at the nuclear family in general, as the backbone of society. (From The Cult of Domesticity and True Womanhood) The emergence of the market economy separated work away from home. Unlike before, the home is no longer seen as an economic unit in the community but rather as a self-contained unit separated the â€Å"rough world† of work. This new order of things created gender norms especially on women’s performance of duties as homemakers. They are expected to create a special place, â€Å"a refuge from the world where her husband could escape from the highly competitive, unstable, immoral world of business and industry†. Dubbed as the â€Å"Cult of Domesticity†, it espoused that True Women cultivate four virtues: piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity. The virtue of piety is based on the belief that women are more religious than men. Religion is within the women’s sphere. Modern young women of the nineteenth century were also expected exercise purity in words, thoughts and deeds. Woman’s sexual purity is highly valued. Virginity is seen as the greatest treasure that a woman can bestow on her husband. Good women are also expected to keep in control men’s sexual needs and desires. The natural order of things also requires women to be submissive to fate, to duty, to God and to men. The Young Ladies Book summarized the passive virtues necessary in women: â€Å"It is certain that in whatever situation of life a woman is placed from her cradle to her grave, a spirit of obedience and submission, pliability of temper, and humility of mind are required of her† (qtd. In The Cult of Domesticity and True Womanhood).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tourism Policies and Plans in Turkey

Tourism Policies and Plans in Turkey Introduction The Republic of Turkey is situated on the borders where Asia and Europe meet, quite literally in the centre of the world. Throughout history, from the times of the Byzantine Dynasty through Alexanders Invasion and the Ottoman Empire, the present land of Turkey has been the home to many cultures. But Turkey has a lot more to offer than just different cultures. They have on offer beautiful landscapes, quality beaches and enough world history to satisfy a historian. With its wide plethora of natural and cultural assets, Turkey should be among the top most popular destinations. In 2014, at the height of Turkeys popularity, 42 million foreign tourists visited Turkey awarding them the rank of 6th most visited global destination that year, with many tourists traveling for their culture, spa and healthcare tourism. (UNWTO, 2015) But the numbers have gradually declined since then caused by political tensions, terrorist attacks, negative political image etc. All tourism related planning, strategies and actions are headed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. This department has been tasked with the protection and perseverance of Turkish culture and the administration of all tourism related activities in Turkey. For Turkey as a destination, it is this Ministry of Culture and Tourism that is designated with the title of Destination Management Organisation. The World Tourism Organisation (2007) defines a Destination Management Organization (DMO) as a body or organisation that is responsible for the co-ordinated management of all the elements that make up a destination like attractions, accessibility, marketing, human resources, brand, etc. These organisations are ultimately responsible for the planning, management and execution of all plans and policies, which have been decided or implemented in order to achieve their short term and long term goals for that destination.(Esmeralda Eleina, 2013) This paper aims at reviewing and critically analysing the tourism plans and policies of Turkey in place until 2023 within the parameters of branding, vision and monitoring and evaluation as detailed in their tourism plan titled Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 (2013) which was planned and will be executed by their DMO, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and to gauge its effectiveness in turning Turkey into a competitive and sustainable destination. Literature Review DMOs are vital in developing and implementing tourism policies for the creation and maintenance of a sustainable and competitive destination. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003) explain tourism policy as a set of rules, directives, guidelines, strategies and the framework for tourism development. Vision James Tallant (2009) describes a vision as the state of an organisation in the future after it achieves its mission. J. R. Brent Ritchie (1999) detail that a critical early stage in the strategic planning by any DMO is the inception of a destination vision. Charles R. Goeldner (2008) explains that a good vision defines what the DMO aims to accomplish in a certain given time period using language to inspire members, staff and stakeholders to actively contribute in the attainment of that goal. He elucidates that a vision may describe on how things may be different because of the DMO and how the DMO would wish to be perceived by others. Sooskan Kantabutra and Gayle C. Avery (2010) details that any good vision would incorporate the following elements: Should be conveyed in a dramatic fashion to inspire and motivate Should enhance the development of a new product/service that in turn aids in the further development of other existing products/services. Should aspire to serve customers through a defined product portfolio that has been designed by the DMO and ensure the quality as well. Should be responsive to customer needs. Should ensure the sustainable growth of the destination for the benefit of its stakeholders Branding According to J.R. Brent Ritchie and Robin J.B. Ritchie (1998), branding should encapsulate either a name, symbol, or logo that identifies and differentiates a destination from others.   It must be unique, and reinforce the positive experiences of the destination. For a destination, a brand bridges the gap between its given assets and the perceptions of potential visitors (Morgan, Pritchard, Piggott, 2002). Qu (2011) states that destination brands serve two main functions; identification and differentiation. As with singular product brands, a destination brand is also made up of the components of awareness and image. Like before, brand awareness is considered a pre-requisite to any other brand dimensions (Konecnik Gartner, 2007). Without some level of awareness, the consumer cannot have perceptions on the destinations image, quality, etc. The elements of a good destination brand are as follows: It should be unique, identifiable and recognisable It should use pleasing aesthetics to appeal to the target market and enhance recognition and emotional response. It should be culturally relevant. It must stand the test of time It should be easily reproduced across multiple media formats like print, online, billboards, etc. (Morgan, Pritchard, Pride, 2007) (Hankinson, 2005) Monitoring and Evaluating Much attention has been directed to the implementation of tourism strategies. Pressman and Wildavsky (1973) state that with the increased attention to policy implementation since the 1970s, the interest in policy evaluation has also proportionally increased. By incorporating monitoring and evaluation at the very beginning of policy formulation, the type of information and indicators required can be specified in advance of the implementation of the tourism policy. (Hall Jenkins, 1995) The long term sustainability and competitiveness of a destination is directly linked to its ability to adapt to and evolve with fluid market conditions. Monitoring and evaluating is important in identifying future opportunities and challenges for the destination to improve performance and sustainability over time. (Sr., Allen, Swanson, Smith, 2008) Research has shown that effective monitoring and evaluation should comprise of the following: Possess key performance indicators that were developed and agreed upon during the conceptualisation stages of the policy Possess a regular performance monitoring review process Identify relevant performance monitoring tools, methods and certification options to assist in monitoring and evaluating performance Consider the economic, environmental and social impacts on the destination and stakeholders Measure sustainability and competitiveness over time against agreed industry benchmarks Identify strategies for continual improvement to achieve best goals Communicate and report on performance achievements with stakeholders, including customers Identify strategies to leverage performance achievements with funding agencies, suppliers and statutory bodies. (Miller Twining-Ward, 2005) (Rio Nunes, 2012) Policy Review In this section, the parameters of Vision, Branding and Monitoring and Evaluation of the Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023 will be critically analysed using the literature discussed as parameters, as well as the need to be sustainable and competitive in the world destination market Vision: The vision for Turkey that has been decided by the DMO, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in their tourism plan (2013) on page 4 is as follows; With the adoption of sustainable tourism approach, tourism and travel industry will be brought to a leading position for leveraging rates of employment and regional development and it will be ensured that Turkey becomes a world brand in tourism and a major destination in the list of the top five countries receiving the highest number of tourist and highest tourism revenues by 2023. On reading and analysing the vision statement, the primary inference that can be drawn is that the vision statement is not very articulate with problems caused by its length and its business style tone and hindered by the unnecessary use of certain language. As Kantabutra and Avery (2010) explained, a vision should be conveyed in dramatic fashion in order to inspire and motivate, which clearly the DMO has failed in achieving. A simpler concise version with motivational and inspirational themes would have fared much better. But where The Ministry of Culture and Tourisms vision succeeds is in its detailing of the goals regarding its market position and the goals the DMO aims to accomplish for the region and citizens by the year 2023 in lieu with the ideas put forward by Goeldner (2008),Tallant (2009) and Ritchie (1999). On cross examining the vision statement of Turkey with the necessary elements for a vision as put forward by Kantabutra and Avery (2010), the vision decided by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism contains only a singular element, that being the one regarding sustainable growth of the destination for the benefit of the stakeholders. But even in this case not all stakeholders have been represented, especially the most important one, the tourists. To conclude the critical analysis of the Vision for Turkey set forth by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, one can say empirically that it is not an effective one on multiple fronts. Branding The branding strategy for Turkey which has been designed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in the tourism policy mentioned on page 34 of the same is to Manage the branding of cities rich of cultural and natural heritage and thereby convert them into a point of attraction for travellers. Istanbul along with cities like Ankara, Izmir and Antalya are focussed upon in their city travel project, with aims to make them popular destinations among the tourists. Istanbul is being given more preference as it was designated the Cultural Capital of Europe for the year 2010 which would force the strengthening of its cultural, artistic, urban as well as the environmental qualities of Istanbul. As per J.R Brent Ritchie and Robin J.B Ritchie (1998), branding must be able to encapsulate either a name, symbol or logo which would help Turkey to be differentiated from other tourist destinations. The process calls for Turkey to restore its uniqueness which would be a plus factor in order to attract more travellers to the country and facilitate more options for the domestic as well as international tourists who arrive. After going through Turkeys objectives towards branding of its cities, it is easily understood that the objectives designed by the DMO is able to cover up major areas which would establish Turkey as a hotspot in the tourism sector in the coming years in accordance to their vision for its cities. The only negative part to draw out of this is that the objectives seems a little too ambitious for the time frame it has got. This could be risky if the plans are not executed properly on time and deadlines not being met. The tourism plan put forth by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture clearly aims at improving the brands of all the individual destinations within Turkey with them end goal that this strategy will reap benefits to the overall brand of Turkey. By focussing on improving the brands of the local destinations, the DMO aims to not only generate a unique niche identity for the country but also to differentiate the experience on offer from the other similar destinations. (Qu, Kim, Hyunjung, 2011) By implementing a strategy to improve on destination attractions, accessibility, infrastructure, superstructure, etc. the Ministry of Culture and Tourism have taken a page out of Konecnik and Gartners (2007) ideas of improving destination image by improving destination quality. But the fact remains that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is still under the process of building a brand. In this day and age it makes sense to understand ones assets as well as the market segmentation before committing to the release of a brand, because that brand should stand the test of time, which is the only barometer to gauge its success. (Morgan, Pritchard, Pride, 2007; Hankinson, 2005) To summarise the critical analysis of Turkeys branding, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has just begun taking the ground level steps to develop a timeless brand for the country. The strategies employed will assist in not only the task of developing a brand for the country but helps in the building a unique destination that will remain competitive and sustainable. Monitoring and Evaluation: Credit should be given to The Ministry of Culture and Tourism for understanding the importance of monitoring and evaluating the performance indicators in Turkeys tourism system. But the Tourism Strategy of Turkey does not elucidate on the key performance indicators that will be monitored, nor the monitoring review process, tools, methods or certification options that will assist in the monitoring and evaluation performance. The reason for this is because the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has just implemented this facet to the tourism strategy for Turkey. With their new ideology of sustainable tourism as mentioned in their vision and their reinvigorated approach to branding, there are a lot of fluid elements in the Tourism System of Turkey. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism have decided to form two new bodies to aid in the task of identifying, monitoring and evaluating the key performance indicators of tourism in Turkey, The National Tourism Database Repository and The National Tourism Certification Service. The National Tourism Database Repository will be tasked with collecting and organising the data transmitted by the various public and private sector entities. After analysis the repository will submit its conclusions and opinions to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Tourism Council. On reflecting upon the data and inference received, the DMO will decide the key performance indicators and the monitoring review process. The National Tourism Service will then provide methods to implement amendments into the tourism strategy accordingly. To summarise the critical analysis of the Monitoring and Evaluation element of Turkeys tourism strategy, one can easily understand that the steps taken are the ground level steps to setup a system and framework that will help enable the various tourism bodies to actively monitor and evaluate the tourism system and make real time changes that will bring about the most effective and sustainable outcome. The only negative that can said about the monitoring and evaluation strategy is that the DMO has not declared time frames for the formation of the new regulatory bodies nor a target date when they hope the new monitoring review process will commence Conclusion After researching valid literature, ideas and viewpoints of many scholars, authors, researchers, etc. within the context of Vision, Branding and Monitoring and Evaluation and applying them to the Tourism Strategy of Turkey which has been compiled by Turkeys Destination Management Organisation, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, we can arrive at the following conclusions. There are a number of issues with their Vision, predominantly the inarticulateness and word flow of the text. The Vision fails to inspire, motivate or fill one with hopefulness. Where it succeeds is that it details their commitment to sustainable tourism, their labour market and what position they will strive to achieve in the global tourism market by 2023. The element of Branding in Turkeys Tourism Strategy is more of an action plan to develop the individual brands of local destinations, with the long term goal of developing a timeless national brand that will help tourists to identify and differentiate Turkey as a niche tourist destination. But with their approach to sustainable tourism, the strategy of branding individual destinations to promote assets of the same destinations seems contradictory. Similarly, the Monitoring and Evaluation facet of Turkeys Tourism Strategy is also a plan to setup the ground level protocol and infrastructure that will aid in the identification, monitoring and evaluating the key performance indicators of Turkeys Tourism Systems. Furthermore, entities whose purpose is to help with the amendment and improvement of all tourism based activities, decision making and legislation have also been conceptualised. To summarise, the Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023, is in essence a weak tourism strategy. The vision statement disappointing on multiple fronts, no national brand and the lack of a monitoring and evaluating framework is evidence of the same. But with that being said, there are some positives like their listing of certain specific goals regarding market placement and their product differentiation. References Esmeralda, S., Eleina, Q. (2013). Role of Destination Management Organization in Developing Sustainable Tourism in Korà §a Region. (Young Scientist Journal), 93-96. Goeldner, C. R. (2008). TOURISM: Principles, Practices, Philosophies; ISBN 9780470084595. Wiley. Hall, C. M., Jenkins, J. M. (1995). Tourism and Public Policy, ISBN: 1-86152-998-8. Cornwall, U.K.: Routledge. Hankinson, G. (2005). Destination brand images: a business tourism perspective. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 19 Iss: 1, 24 32. Kantabutra, S., Avery, G. C. (2010). The power of vision: statements that resonate. Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 31 Iss: 1, 37-45. doi: Konecnik, M., Gartner, a. W. (2007). Customer-Based Brand Equity for a Destination. Annals of Tourism Research, 34, 400-421. Miller, G., Twining-Ward, L. (2005). Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition: The Challenge of Developing and Using Indicators, ISBN: 0-85199-051-7. Oxfordshire, U.K.: CABI Publishing. Ministry of Culture and Tourism. (2013). Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023, ISBN 978-975-17-3281-1. Ankara, Turkey: T.R. Ministry of Culture and Tourism Publications. Morgan, N., Pritchard, A., Piggott, a. R. (2002). New Zealand, 100% Pure. The Creation of a Powerful Niche Destination Brand. Brand Management, 335-354. Morgan, N., Pritchard, A., Pride, R. (2007). Destination Branding; ISBN : 0750649941. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Pressman, J. L., Wildavsky, A. (1973). Implementation, ISBN: 9780520053311. Oakland, U.S.A.: University of California Press. Qu, H., Kim, L. I., Hyunjung, H. (2011). A Model of Destination Branding: Integrating the Concepts of the Branding and Destination Image. Tourism Management, 32, 465-476. Rio, D., Nunes, L. (2012). Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for Tourism Destinations. Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 4, 64-66. Ritchie, J. B. (1998). THE BRANDING OF TOURISM DESTINATIONS PAST ACHIEVEMENTS FUTURE CHALLENGES. Annual Congress of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism. Marrakech, Morocco. Ritchie, J. B. (1999, June). Crafting a value-driven vision for a national tourism treasure. Tourism Management, pp. 273-282. Ritchie, J. B., Crouch, G. I. (2003). The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective; ISBN: 085199847X, 9780851998473; . CABI Pub. Sr., D. E., Allen, M. D., Swanson, J., Smith, G. (2008). Tourism Policy and Planning, ISBN: 978-0-7506-8557-3. London: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Tallant, J. (2009). Importance of Vision, Mission, and Values in Strategic Direction. Business Economics Journal, 3. UNWTO. (2007). A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management, ISBN: 978-92-844-1243-3, . Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organization. UNWTO. (2015). UNWTO World Tourism Highlights. Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organisation Publications, DOI : 9789284416899.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Why Women Stay in Violent Relationships Essay -- Relationships Domesti

Why Women Stay in Violent Relationships Most women have at least one dependant who must be taken care of, many are not employed, their parents are either distant or unable or unwilling to help. She may lack the access to cash; she or the children may be in poor health, may face a decline in the living standard for herself and her children. Many older children may resent this decision. She may believe that she will be charged with desertion or losing the children and cash assets if she leaves. Some battered women have an ideology that may include: she does not believe in divorce, marriage is forever,† till death do us part†. They may believe that it is crucial to the children for them to have a mother and a father, no matter how terrible the father is, and she believes that she can put up with anything for the children’s safety. She may be emotionally dependent on the man, having never relied upon herself for the simplest decision. The abuser may have managed to isolate her from her friends and family and she therefore feels that she has no one to turn to. She may feel responsible for his behavior and try to change herself, therefore giving herself a very low self-esteem. Since abuse comes in cycles, she believes that he is basically good and this time he has changed. (23) Battered women understand that there is something wrong with men who alternately hurt them and then nurture them, though they do not know what causes this. They seem to think if they love them enough, give up enough, or submit to enough, that they will somehow be able to change the batterer's behavior. Battered women are trained to accept responsibility for the abuser's outburst. She is trained to make excuses for his imperfections; e.g. if she was a better wife he would not want to hit her. First, let’s define abuse, battering, and psychological abuse. According to West Virginia Sate Law it is defined as: The occurrence of one or more of the following acts between family members who reside together or who formerly resided together: Battering is not just physical aggression. Rather, Battering constitutes the systematic use of violence and the threat of violence in order to control, subjugate, and intimidate women. Without feat, there can be no battering. Psychological Abuse is defined as verbal degradation denial of powers, isolation monopolizing perceptions, occasional in... ... Getting Away With Murder, Raoul Felder and Barbara Victor, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996 Intimate Abuse, Richard Gelles and Murray Strauss, Transaction Publishers, New Jersey 1990 Keeping the Faith, Guidance for Christian Women Facing Abuse, Marie M. Fortune, 1987. National Crime Center, Crime and Victimization in America, A Statistical Overview, 1995 Rape and Violence Information Center Handbook 1996. Rebecca Eritano, Counselor, Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center conversations held between 1995 and 1997. Roweena Mersing, Advocate, Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center, Conversations held between 1995 through 1997. Stop Domestic Violence, An Action Plan for Saving Lives, Lou Brown, Francios Dubac, and Merritt McKeon, J.D., St. Martin’s Griffin, New York,1997 Terrifying Love, Lenore Walker, Harper and Row, New York, 1989 The Abusive Partner, An Analysis of Domestic Battering, Maria Roy, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York, 1982 Violent Relationships, Information Plus, Wylie, TX 1995 Violent Relationships, Information Plus, Wylie, TX 1997 You Can Be Free, An Easy to Read Handbook for Abused Women, Ginny NiCarthy and Sue Davidson, Seal Press, 1989

Monday, August 19, 2019

Gay Marriage Should Be Legal :: Same-Sex Marriage Essays

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Should gay marriages really be allowed? Has the Supreme Court ruled in error? In our society today, homosexuals are treated unconstitutionally, they are forced to live a secret life, they are forbidden to adopt and raise children and unable to marry the person they love. This is just a few to the many inequalities that homosexuals face in everyday life. The constitution guarantees the right to free speech and the right to pursue happiness to everyone, although homosexuals do not get to live their life by their choice. Most Americans will claim that they are in favor of equal rights for homosexuals. They will all say that gays should have the same rights in housing, jobs, and public accommodations and they should have equal access to government benefits and equal protection of the law. The average American thinks that homosexuals deserve all the rights that heterosexuals, but gay marriage is dead wrong. Many people also believe that homosexuality is about nothing but sex. If homosexuality was all about sex, why would they fight so hard to be able to marry? The reality is that homosexuality is much more about love and affection than it is about sex. Noboody can come up with a good reason to deny gays the right to marry. Homosexual people should be allowed to marry. One argument against gay marriage is that homosexual couples are not the ideal environments to raise children in. Any convicted felon (child molesters, murderers...) can be married and raise children. Many scientific studies have shown that children raised in homes with homosexual couples are just as good as those of straight couples. Psychologists tell us that what makes the difference is the love of the parents, not their gender ( ). Gay people can love their children just as well as anyone else. Homosexuals want children just like anyone else wants to be a parent. Some wish to give a child the love of a good, devoted family that they did or did not experience when they were raised, which would be pretty predictable depending on when they came out. Would an orphan be better off waiting longer for a family, or with the better chances of being an adoptee, since there would be so many more adopters? Gay Marriage Should Be Legal :: Same-Sex Marriage Essays On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Should gay marriages really be allowed? Has the Supreme Court ruled in error? In our society today, homosexuals are treated unconstitutionally, they are forced to live a secret life, they are forbidden to adopt and raise children and unable to marry the person they love. This is just a few to the many inequalities that homosexuals face in everyday life. The constitution guarantees the right to free speech and the right to pursue happiness to everyone, although homosexuals do not get to live their life by their choice. Most Americans will claim that they are in favor of equal rights for homosexuals. They will all say that gays should have the same rights in housing, jobs, and public accommodations and they should have equal access to government benefits and equal protection of the law. The average American thinks that homosexuals deserve all the rights that heterosexuals, but gay marriage is dead wrong. Many people also believe that homosexuality is about nothing but sex. If homosexuality was all about sex, why would they fight so hard to be able to marry? The reality is that homosexuality is much more about love and affection than it is about sex. Noboody can come up with a good reason to deny gays the right to marry. Homosexual people should be allowed to marry. One argument against gay marriage is that homosexual couples are not the ideal environments to raise children in. Any convicted felon (child molesters, murderers...) can be married and raise children. Many scientific studies have shown that children raised in homes with homosexual couples are just as good as those of straight couples. Psychologists tell us that what makes the difference is the love of the parents, not their gender ( ). Gay people can love their children just as well as anyone else. Homosexuals want children just like anyone else wants to be a parent. Some wish to give a child the love of a good, devoted family that they did or did not experience when they were raised, which would be pretty predictable depending on when they came out. Would an orphan be better off waiting longer for a family, or with the better chances of being an adoptee, since there would be so many more adopters?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Behind the Scenes of the County Jail :: Journalism Essays

Behind the Scenes of the County Jail Someone, suspected of a crime, is arrested by police. Later on, the suspect goes to court to face their charges. A classic episode of Law & Order. But, where do these suspects go in between the two events. They are held in their local jail of course. While people are familiar with the arrest and courtroom scenes from TV, many are unfamiliar with the jail scene, which becomes home to the suspects who cannot make bail until a court rules a verdict for their case. So, let’s expand a Law & Order episode, and place the scene at the County Jail, located at 100 W. Washington St., Muncie. A suspect has been arrested, and is taken to jail. Upon arrival, the suspect will be given an orange jumpsuit, underwear, t-shirt, socks, and shoes without laces to wear, and a mattress pad for their bed, all jail issued. The suspect will be handcuffed and shackled for any movement he will make within the facility before he is placed in his cell. The suspect receives an arm bracelet with a picture of himself to be worn at all times as identification. They can make a call for bail, and if they cannot get the money, the jail becomes their new home. The process listed is standard for many booking procedures. It is not very exciting, which is probably why the process is left out of TV dramas. However, there is a lot of important work done behind-the-scenes to keep inmates in their place, and keep officers safe. Captain Earl Davis of the County Police Department is in charge of the county jail. Davis said that the jail has an elaborate locked door system. When one door in a hallway of two or more doors is opened, all of the other doors are locked until the open door is shut. The system, Davis said, is to prevent any prisoner from escaping. Each door is opened by a person in an operating room, and each officer who enters through a door must receive clearance from that operator. County Jail is equipped to hold 221 prisoners, each who must eat three times a day, and have an hour outside for recreation.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Instagram Term Paper

AMA COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER COLLEGE Tagbilaran City, Bohol INSTAGRAM (Android Application) A term paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY by: Josie Marie Mosqueda Edralyn Tutor 2012 ABSTRACT Today the folks responsible for one of the most popular social photography apps in the world  have brought that entertainment to  Android– and here we’re going to review it! What you’ll find is that this app is extremely similar to the iOS version, it having the ability to snap photos, edit them in brief, and send them out to several social networks.This Android version is said to be superior to the iOS version in several ways by its developers. This app got extremely popular on iOS because it allowed (and still allows) you to do three different activities in one app – photography, sharing, and editing of photos. Here on Android you’ve got several of those abilities built in – the HTC One series in-particular has some pretty amazing photo editing, taking, and sharing abilities. INTRODUCTION An important application for the tech-savvy crowd, Instagrams are all about the beauty of capturing moments through man-made lenses and sharing it with your near and dear!As Will Smith says â€Å" Life is not about number of breadths you take, it is about number of moments take your breath away†. Moments like that don’t happen everyday, but can be captured and cherished for the rest of your lives, thanks to the app called Instagram! Instagrams are solely for the Apple person, that is compatible with Iphones, Ipads, Ipod Touch with an iOS version of 3. 1. 2 or above. Instagram, the popular photo sharing application which gained prominence on iOS – is now available for Android. Complete with a beautiful user interface and a full feature-set, it seems to have been worth the nail biting.It is a free photo sharing application which helps you to click pictures, apply fresh effects on them using their inbuilt filters and then post it online on any social networking site like Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr etc. A list of the most popular filters are the Walden Filter, the X Pro II, the Lomo-Fi, the Brannan, the Hefe, the Earlybird, the Sutro, the Poprocket, the Nashville and the Gotham. HISTORY Below is a short Infographic on Instagram’s history. TIMELINE DISCUSSION Felling the walled gardenInstagram and  Hipstamatic, a digital photography application for iOS devices, entered into a partnership that would allow photos from the app to be directly ported into Instagram. â€Å"I’m a huge fan of what Hipstamatic is doing and all they’ve accomplished,† Systrom  said. â€Å"They were iPhone App of the Year in 2010 and we got 2011. We have a huge amount of respect for that whole team both as fellow photographers and entrepreneurs. † â€Å"Really it comes down to this: People post Hipst amatic photos on Instagram all the time, and we just want to make that experience easier. †Pictures paint more than a thousand words Instagram already has seven million users all over the world and the number is only going to get bigger when the Android app launches. There are loads of awesome photos available on Instagram today and these photos are inspiring others to follow suit. Taking Photos with Instagram Instagram has a built-in camera function, making it easy to quickly snap a photo to share in the app. You can also pull photos directly from your iPhone photo library, so you can share older photos taken with your iPhone or photos synced from your iPhoto library on your computer.All Instagram photos are square, so after you take or select a shot you are presented with an easy interface to scale and crop it. Transforming Photos with Instagram After your photo is cropped, you can transform the look of it with a variety of filters. Most of the filters are designed to give y our photo a vintage look, bringing back polaroids and old black-and-white pictures. While quick Photoshop style filters are often considered cheap tricks, people have embraced Instagram because it simply makes photo sharing fun. Photo Sharing with InstagramWhen you are done editing an Instagram, you can choose to share it just within the app or on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Posterous, Tumblr and Foursquare. Instagram also creates a web page with your image that you can link to, but that's as far as the website goes. It is not the place to follow people, view galleries or submit photos. All of that functionality is reserved for the app itself, where you can view photos from your friends, see popular photos, and find people to follow and more. FEATURES OF INSTAGRAM * 100% free custom designed filters and borders The Lux: A new feature given by the makers to bring out the inner nuances in your picture with nothing but a tap on the picture! Best part in using Lux is that it can be used even without a filter. * Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Foursquare (Flickr coming very soon) * A new filter called the Sierra. * Interact with friends through giving ; receiving likes and comments * Works with Android versions 2. 2 and above that support OpenGL ES 2 * Full front ; back camera support SCREENSHOTS ADVANTAGES OF INSTAGRAM Instagram is great especially if you are fond of taking pictures and uploading them right away for other people to see. * It is fast like when you took a picture, uploaded it and it will automatically be uploaded or posted on your facebook account, twitter and tumblr. * It offers a lot of effects, or if you want your photo to have a frame or not. * You can be updated on your friends’ happenings or your friends’ important announcements. * A great way of making or meeting new friends. * You can also advertise your own products if you have some business or shops.You can take a photo of your products and post it on instagr am and it can help you gain more customers. * Another great thing is that, there are some photo applications that you can directly upload on instagram the photos you have taken or edited. One of this is the photoshake, it's up to you if you want to upload the photo you took directly on instagram or just save it on your mobile phone or tablet. DISADVANTAGE OF INSTAGRAM * Privacy – where in, every detail and every photo that you will be uploading, a lot of people might see it.Rumors can also start by others seeing some photos of you not being good. Your life can be at danger especially if you always takes a photo of you on where you at and what are you doing. CONCLUSION Above all, Instagram is made for us to enjoy the convenient of taking some pictures with our loved ones. And take note, important pictures with our friends, family, classmates or any special ones. Instagram is not made to make rumors of other people, to make fun at them and to invade others privacy. The team has certainly come a long way, to create a better world for its users.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Growing telecommunication in society Essay

It is clear that growing telecommunication will help increase the effectiveness of business. Some consulting companies can do not need to hire office, to buy expensive equipment. People can stay at home to do your business. they don’t need to strictly come to the office. This is much more convenient than ever before. However life is harder. People both yough and old seem to stick to their computer all the time for their work or and for their entertainment. It is true that there are so many things in a computer. People can explore a lot of things. They can easily contact with a friend far away by email, they can know what is happening and even they can go to the market though Internet and there are many other services in the Internet that I cannot count. But the problem is that some people are now addicted to computers and they lose other habits in life. People become stricter because face to face communication is increasingly dwindling. They spend less time to enjoy the beauty of the nature which is very beautiful with alive scenes with sunshine, with fresh air and a variety of things. As a result, human emotion is also reducing. People are not developed fully in mental and physical strength. In addition, as shown recently by research of scientists , sitting in front of computers for long time will affect people’ health. The eye is seriously affected. The number of myopic people is increasing. Sitting in a place also makes people feel tired and stressed. Beside, the whole society seem to be running in a strict mechanism which is facilitated by the computer system. If there appear a problem, this system will collapse rapidly. It can be easily seen many cases of computer hacking which cause great damage to the society and business, for example the virus † love† , originated in the Philippines caused great damage on the global scale in the United States and in south east Asia. The power of the damage is very strong.

Police in Society Essay

The police department and the police force in general, have the power and duty at all times of the day and night to ensure that the lives of people is protected as well as property (Bayley D, 1979, 109-143). This is done through preventing crime, detect and arrest offenders, preserve the public peace as well as enforce all laws, ordinances and provisions of the administrative code over which the police department has jurisdiction. The crime-control theory suggests that police department develops in reaction to rise in criminal activity (Bayley D, 1979, 109-143). Thus, the structure in metropolis police department should have few levels with a wide span of control. Decision-making should be the task of lower-level personnel (Greene et al, 1992. 183-207). The structure should involve a police Chief, assisted by two deputies, two patrol Lieutenants, two administrative and Investigative Lieutenant, four four-person patrol platoons with a Sergeant and Corporal in each platoon, a Sergeant of Detectives and four detectives for all investigations, and as well as two to two-man bike patrols. While police leadership has many challenges, the police chief should offer transformational leadership essential to produce cultural changes in the attitudes and beliefs of the line officers. He has to be principled in order to get extraordinary things done in this organization. He should be willing and ready to challenge any process (Kouzes & Posner, 1987. 17-94). Thus, he should take risks, challenge the system, and challenge the way things are done. He should also inspire a shared vision to his subordinates by breathing life into what are the hopes and dreams of others and enable them to see the exciting possibilities that the future holds (Kouzes & Posner, 1987. 17-94). In doing so, the police chief should enlist the support of all those who are necessary to get results, as well as those who will be affected by the results in this case the public at large. Through encouraging collaboration and teamwork makes it possible for the subordinates to do good work (Kouzes & Posner, 1987. 7-94). Envisaging that Metropolis is a diverse and dynamic as any community in the world, it requires continuity and stability in certain basic areas of life, in particular the areas of safety and security. It crucial to note that the key to offering continuous safety and security is to have police department guided by a clear and unwavering philosophy by which to guide the determination of priorities and decisions in policing. The entire Police Department, encompassing every sworn officer as well as civilian member, and all associated City officials, suppliers, vendors, and other stakeholders in its mission, should focus their full on-duty attention to meeting and satisfying the safety and security needs of Metropolis urban city. To achieve this, the community requires both swift police response to crime and disorder, in addition to crime prevention and problem solving utilizing the latest technologies. In so doing both approaches should be utilized with intelligence to achieve a comprehensive networking approach that serves the community in a balanced manner. Thus, the major mission of metropolis Police Department should be to safeguard the lives and property of the people they serve, to decrease the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety at the same time as working with the diverse communities to improve their quality of life. This should be done with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting themselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence (Greene et al, 1992. 183-207). Hiring standards Most Police departments in cities face what some call a personnel crisis, with the number of recruits at record lows, an increasing number of experienced officers turn down promotions to sergeant or lieutenant, while many gifted senior officers decline offers to become police chiefs as well as police executive. Recruits pre-employment background should be ascertained before being taken in, in the department. The purpose of a pre-employment background investigation shall be to rapidly, competently as well as fairly to make out those applicants who are unfit for public service or whose prior conduct is contradictory to, or incompatible with, the law enforcement mission. No selection standard of the department shall be in conflict with, or contrary to, the spirit or letter of fair employment laws of the State. However, any applicant who has ever been convicted of any offense declared by law to be a felony in this or any other state shall not be eligible for employment with the department. Same standard shall apply to misdemeanor offenses, save that the applicant should not have been convicted within the past three years of any criminal offense declared by law to be a misdemeanor in this or any other state. The urban center being hard hit with the problem of drugs, a person who is a current user of illegal drugs shall not be eligible for employment with the department. Drugs in this case should be taken to imply the controlled substances in accordance with the state’s provisions. The first step in the selection procedure is recruitment. Having a number of applicants, we must select those that are best fitting for the department. The department must have a number of minimum standards to employ in measuring the applicants. Issues of age, height and weight, physical agility and strength, and education should be taken into account. These applicants should be subjected to background investigations, which comprises of previous drug use. They should take polygraph examination, psychological screening as well as meet medical requirements (Goldsmith 1990, 91-114). In addition to the above, the candidates will be required to take a written examination as well as an oral interview. The last step will be to train them once they have been chosen. The training should take account of programs that include the department’s mission statement in addition to ethical considerations. The training should also be based upon what the officer does in the course of a day. The actual content of the training should include subject areas such as the laws of arrest, patrol techniques, investigations, cultural diversity, and ethics. Upon completing the training, the new recruit police officer will begin his or her field training. This will comprise assignment to a field-training officer who acts as a mentor for him/her. The new officer remains in probation for a certain period before beginning his or her career path. This path may embrace advanced training to stay put with the changes in the law. The officers will be entitled to specialized training to prepare them for specific jobs in the department. Policing philosophy The philosophy of metropolis police department shall be based on the belief that the public deserves an input into policing, and indeed, has a right to it. It will also rest on the vision that in order to find solutions to community problem of growing drug in the neighborhood, the police as well as the public must move beyond a narrow focus on individual crimes or incidents, and instead consider innovative ways of addressing drug issue concerns in general. Bonds of trust between all officers and the community in all aspects need to be established through continued and creative police outreach (Freeman, 1990. 19-109). The net effect will be to build a professional, representative, responsive, and answerable institution that works in affiliation with the public (Goldsmith 1990, 91-114). In an attempt to solve the public’s problem, the department will identify the specific concerns that the Metropolis inhabitants feel are most threatening to their safety and well-being, in this particular case ‘drugs’. This area of concern then shall become priority for joint police-community interventions. The officers and a variety of building members then will outline problem-solving partnerships to develop responses that they can both use to eliminate or minimize the problem (Freeman, 1990. 19-109). Technologies The department should have police cars, upgraded to the specifications required by the force, built to police specifications in the factory. These cars should be modified to encompass adjustments for higher durability, speed, and high mileage driving in addition to long periods of idling at higher temperatures. This is accomplished by heavy-duty suspension, brakes, calibrated speedometer, tires, alternator, transmission and cooling systems. Where possible, slight modifications to the car’s stock engine should be done if not installation of a more powerful engine. These cars are to be employed in patrolling the area round the clock. The department can employ Global-positioning system to track those convicted with drug related offences so as to help deter future recidivism. In addition the police force can make broad use of radio communications equipment, carried both on the person and installed in vehicles, to co-ordinate their work, share information as well as get help quickly (Walker, 2005. 5). Presently, vehicle-installed computers have increased the ability of police communications, enabling easier dispatching of calls in addition to criminal background checks on persons of interest. Metropolis Police Department should have similar technologies in their patrol vehicles.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

An essay on the first stanza of A game of chess Essay

Through calling this poem ‘A game of chess’, Eliot continues with the theme he starts in ‘The burial of the dead’ of people who are trapped in a wasteland and making no effort to escape it, so are therefore stuck like a those in a check-mate during a real game of chess. The title is also a reference to ‘Women beware women’ by Middletone, a story in which a mother-in-law is playing chess, unaware that each move she makes on the chess board is matched by a move in the seduction of her daughter-in-law by the duke in the story. The reference to Middleton’s ‘Women beware women’ gives a depiction of passion and lust which Eliot uses as a contrast in the poem. In the first stanza, Eliot describes a room that is elaborately decorated and filled with beautiful items such as, â€Å"Sevenbranched candelabra† and â€Å"Vials of ivory and coloured glass. † Even though the room is decorated expensively, through listing the expensive items, he devalues them using bathos and parodying the woman’s efforts to create a room that is full of amazing items and ending up devaluing them. He compares the lady’s room to Imogen’s bedroom in ‘Cymbeline,’ through the mention of cupids, symbols of love. To stress the fact that although the woman has them, they are not full of life like the ones in Imogen’s bedroom. The woman in the room, a metaphor for people in the wasteland, is completely artificial and Eliot shows us that he disapproves of this through his comparison of her with people, such as Cleopatra, who are symbols of true art and passion. He writes, â€Å"The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne† in reference to the line from Shakespeare’s ‘Antony and Cleopatra’ that says, â€Å"The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne. † By doing this, Eliot compares Cleopatra, described as being of ‘infinite variety’ to the woman which stresses the fact that she is both artificial and sterile. Also, in the lady’s room is an ornamental carv(d dolphin which Eliot mocks as the dolphin was a medieval symbol of love and something Cleopatra used to describe Antony, yet the woman has it in her sterile room which is empty of love. Eliot feels that the woman’s existence violates that of those in myth. He shows this using references to Ovid’s story of Philomel. A mythical woman who was transformed into a nightingale, after her tongue was removed by her brother in-law king Tereus, to prevent her from telling others that he raped her. He tells of how she cried, â€Å"Jug, jug. † But how it falls on â€Å"dirty ears† because people in the wasteland cannot understand and therefore continue to stay in their ways and therefore commit sins as bad as Tereus’ actions. Through the story, Eliot shows that true passion is not easy to obtain and like Tiresias, Philomel had to be violated before she could receive an â€Å"inviolable voice†. Not only is the room full of lifeless art, it is also an eerie and disturbing place. We are told that the room is infused with colour as it mentions, â€Å"Sea wood fed with copper. † A chemical reaction that, â€Å"Burned green and orange. † The use of a chemical reaction reminds us that the room is very man-made and unnatural. This idea is re-enforced by, â€Å"Strange and synthetic perfume. † All of these things create a stuffy atmosphere, almost blinding because of the bright colours. The presence of the chemical suggests a lack of fresh air and suggests that this woman would be having trouble breathing another sign that she is barely existing and not truly alive. The nightmare setting created in ‘A game of chess’, is an example of the world as Eliot sees it. A capitalist world filled with passionless people who he feels merely exist to fulfil their temporary and carnal desire. He criticises the woman as rather than trying to escape, she masks the atmosphere with her perfumes. He also makes references to â€Å"the Sylvan scene† from ‘A paradise lost’ by Milton accompanied with the, â€Å"Standards wrought with fruit vines† to show what seems like an effort made by the woman to try to turn the room from hell into a paradise. But tells that she fails, beginning her descent into madness shown later in the poem. Eliot creates this room as a nightmare of the woman and then tells of how she is trapped in it, even though she tries to communicate with the outside world so desperately that even, â€Å"her hair, Spread out in fiery points, Glowed into words† revealing her desperation to communicate with the outside world.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Company Delamere Pottery Limited Essay

Company Delamere Pottery Limited, which produces earthenware tableware, founded in 1997 after obtaining assets of T.G. Delamera & Co ltd. Company acquired a functional structure to better support the increase in turnover (Williamson et al., 2004, p. 53) in new markets areas that offer greater margins. To enhance the competitiveness, company launched a new strategies in business, marketing and finance mainly to increase gross margins by 10% and increase customer satisfaction together with a reduction of inventory (Williamson et al., 2004, p. 207). Business strategy is mainly based on the more efficient use of existing resources of the company. With implementation of the ERP system, the company promises to improve the planning, transparency and shortening process times and increasing the performance. ERP systems are often used by manufacturing companies to achieve a competitive advantage (Zhang et al, 2005, p. 69). ERP system helps companies create a strong information infrastructure, more accurate decision-making thanks to always actual data, enhance the overall quality and streamline the exchange of information between departments, suppliers and customers (Shatat & Udin, 2012, p. 577). Further costs reductions, the company tried to streamline production by reducing the overall waste. Basically to become  ´Ã‚ ´lean ´Ã‚ ´ and build an efficient, just-in-time manufacturing system to increase the overall quality. According to Lewis (2000, p. 962), company which is lean, is effective in transforming inputs resources into outputs, this reduces the costs and increase overall business financial performance. Becoming more  ´Ã‚ ´lean ´Ã‚ ´ (having lower costs) is one of the advantages over the competition (Lewis, 2000, p. 964). Source: Lewis (2000, p. 962) One of the main asset of the company are employers. To increase the overall success of the company can be achieved by: increase communications, increasing cooperation and following common goals, raising creativity and innovation, emphasizing on continuous development, empowering people (Kourdi, 2003, p. 84). Marketing strategy relies mainly on improving quality of products, service and so increase the overall brand reputation. Delamere Pottery Limited wanted to differentiate from competition through their products, supply chain and marketing (Williamson et al., 2004, p. 90) and so obtained higher saleability. The achievement of this strategic plan had five segments: Quality, Design, Service, Reliability, Brand awareness (Williamson et al., 2004, p. 210). Marketing strategy was closely linked to business strategy, with emphasis on the lean production. Improvement of manufacturing processes has a direct positive impact on the quality of the products and also thorough better controlling of the packaging, labeling and delivery of products can reduce costs. The company sought to be recognized as a progressive and innovative (Williamson et al., 2004, p. 210), therefore been given a lot of emphasis on design. Decisions in product design can have a large impact on cost, but also with design can be achieved the differentiation from the competition and getting higher profits (Desai et al, 2001, p. 37). Be credible among customers, the company tried to improve service, improve communication and improve the performance in the delivery of finished products to the customers on time. To support this plan has been introduced customer relationship management (CRM). Another tool how to increase turnover is to enhance the brand awareness. Greater brand awareness among customers increase the differentiation from competition and gives firm the possibility to increase the prices of products. Financial Strategies Delamere Pottery Limited was divided into two main parts: increasing gross margin and additional turnover (Williamson et al., 2004, p. 211). The results of gross margins depended on the success of the implementation of ERP system, lean manufacturing and improved distribution and getting the brand into public awareness. Additional turnover was possible made by sale of selected products for specially selected markets and the gradual-depth sales to particular markets. In company Delamere Pottery Limited the main emphasis has been taken on comprehensive manufacturing strategy. To support this strategy, in year 1999 was presented the system MPC (Manufacturing, Planning, Control). MPC should be associated with the other main functions such as finance, purchasing, sales and marketing (Williamson et al., 2004, p. 216). According to Williamson et al. (2004, 216-218), the implementation of MPC system, company received the following benefits: -With connection to ERP system is possible to have more efficiently planning and greater control of the production. -With connection to CRM system improve communication and service with customers. Significant improvement of delivering products on time. Increase of  £2M in turnover. -Better inventory management, increased stock turns. Reduction in working capital  £120.000. -Better recognition of loss-making and non-contribution products. Enhance in pre-tax profits of  £150.000.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Emily Bront's novel Wuthering Heights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Emily Bront's novel Wuthering Heights - Essay Example As such, this paper will analyze the relationship between the wild and the civilized in Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights. The novel Wuthering Heights uses symbols, themes, imagery, flashbacks, and allegory to portray the different aspects of civilization and wilderness as manifested by the characters and the story setting. Notably, passionate and unrestricted actions characterize wildness while order and modernity characterizes civilization (Rathje, n.y). The most significant element that brings out the aspects of wildness and civilization is the differences between the Thrushcross Grange and the Wuthering Heights farmhouses. We can see cold, muddy, and desolate moors separating the two farmhouses, which stands alone. Indeed, the separation by the moors can only mean that there is an aspect of isolation in the characteristics and meaning of the two houses (Rathje, n.y). This isolation reveals the aspects of wildness and civilization in the setting as the entire novel set ting takes place in Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Actually, the appearance and atmosphere of Wuthering Heights differ from that of Thrushcross Grange where Wuthering Heights sits and manifests on a stormy hilltop while Thrushcross Grange sits on calm and protected valley. ... Indeed, violent acts like Heathcliff’s abuse by Hindley and Heathcliff’s mistreatment of Hareton take place in Wuthering Heights. This depicts Wuthering Heights as an aggressive, violent, and wild environment. More so, the weather surrounding Wuthering Heights and its inhabitants is also violent (Bronte, 1858). Indeed, the novel opens with a description that, "Wuthering" is "a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather (Bronte, 1858)." On the other hand, the novel describes the life at Thrushcross Grange as one that manifests luxury, cultivation, and propriety. Indeed, the novel quotes that Thrushcross Grange is the house that Catherine aspires to socially, the house that will make her a "lady (Bronte, 1858)." These distinctions portray Thrushcross Grange as a representation of civilization and Wuthering Heights as a representation of wildness. More so, we can also see Catherine boxing Edgar Linton on the ear when Edgar seeks to leave Wuthering Heights (Bronte, 1858). Additionally, there are haunting figures in  Wuthering Heights, which depict wildness. Most assuredly, Thrushcross Grange is more luxurious than Wuthering Heights. The luxury in Thrushcross Grange reflects civilization. On the other hand, order and societal expectations defines life at Thrushcross Grange while nature drives life at Wuthering Heights. For example, we can see a snowstorm forcing Lockwood to stay at Wuthering Heights (Rathje, n.y) where he equally experiencers a hostile dream of a ghost child at the window. Indeed, the ghost child was crying, "let me in! Let me in!"â€Å"; I’ m come home: I'd lost my

Monday, August 12, 2019

Information Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Information Policy - Essay Example All should protect copyrights especially by ISPs and the government. ISPs allow access to content, and, therefore, they must ensure that they do not promote piracy by supporting copyrights. I also agree that redirecting  a domain  is not sufficient, and the ICE should confiscate all servers and arrest domain owners that support piracy. Google does own YouTube, but both run on entirely different domains. Google and YouTube can both be easily shut down as they not top level domains. Top level domains are those that are owned by countries. Top level domains are protected by courts and cannot be shut down. Google is not a top level domain and can easily be shut down if it violates copyright law. However, the closure of a massive search giant like Google might vastly affect the internet. Copyright issues can easily be tracked through algorithms and digital signatures. Google already uses algorithms to track companies that violate copyright issues and blacklists them. Use of digital signature to accompany copyrighted products can protect copyrights. Programs are already in place to encode copyrighted materials with digital signatures. Materials without the signature are tracked to their source, and the pirates can then be apprehended. Post, D.  Are Internet domain names â€Å"property†?.  Washington Post. Retrieved 19 June 2015, from Post, D.  DC Court rules that Top-Level Domain not subject to seizure.  Washington Post. Retrieved 19 June 2015, from